Sunday, March 18, 2012


Yesterday I attended "Road To Wrestle Mania" at the Dunkin' Donuts Center in RI. I'm a huge wrestling fan, and this was going to be my first time seeing them in person. I was screaming, laughing and cheering like a little girl. My inner child was visible to the world. It was exhilarating. As for life? A couple health complications, still no available jobs, and lots of school things to think about.

I'm also currently writing two new books called "Scorpio's Demise" and "The Lost City". Multitasking has always been my thing so writing two books at the same time is normal for me. Actually come to think about it, it might be weird. I usually do much more. Haha. Well, if the feedback is good I'll keep this going. I like writing in general so this blog is a perfect hobby.

The video above isn't my own. It's someone elses (clearly). I was actually much closer. And not as obnoxious as this guy. But this is just an overview of the event :)

I find myself also connecting to Maria Mena's music. Her style and her voice are unique and different, almost as those she's reading a poem. But that's really just was music is right? Poems with music?

Here is my current favorite of her collection. It's actually my life story. Enjoy <3

Much love,

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